Mobile World Congress 2024: Barcelona shines in Magenta
The Mobile World Congress is the largest and most influential event in the tech industry, focusing on mobile technology and innovation. This annual event brings together thought leaders, policymakers, and enthusiasts from across the globe to explore the latest trends, products, and technologies shaping the future of mobile communications.
On February 26, 2024, Barcelona will pulsate with innovation. Join us at the MWC-Event for an pulsate into the realms of data sharing and collaboration.
Global Data Space Roundtable
Telekom Data Intelligence Hub will participate in the global data space roundtable, hosted by International Data Space Association (IDSA). Sven Löffler, Tribe and Chapter Lead of the Data intelligence Hub, will showcase how to start your dataspace journey with T-Systems and become a global pioneer, while exploring how simple it is to become a key industry player and cater customer needs with our products.
Date: February 26, 9:00 – 13:00
Eclipse Cross Cloud Spaces Workshop
Join Sven Löffler on the Cross Cloud Spaces Workshop, hosted by the Eclipse Foundation, for an enlightening session in which the focus topic is to discover how true multi-cloud services, data, and apps enhance cloud interoperability, ultimately boosting the competitiveness and digital sovereignty of the EU.
Date: February 26, 14:30 - 17:30
Are you attending MWC and would like to talk to our experts? Do not hesitate to contact us! Sven Löffler, Tribe and Chapter Lead of the Telekom Data intelligence Hub, and Dandan Wang, Specialist Solutions Architect at Telekom Data Intelligence Hub will be there to meet you and engage in interesting conversations.