Build & orchestrate
on your own terms

Expand your reach and take advantage of cross-industry data sharing to bring new unmatched actionable insights

Expand your reach and build an ecosystem


Data marketplace

Exchange and process data both in and beyond your own sector: The marketplace provides entirely new ways to execute your data strategy

Data Offer

Full control

Publish your data and analyzes individually: Who is allowed to view them, who to explore, who to process? All could be managed at once in the Data Intelligence Hub

Let the Data Flow to you with Data mesh

Break the silos in and out of your organization and get the true value out of data without changing your existing data infrastructures while keeping control over your data sovereignty. Don’t move systems – let the data flow to you.

  • Picture of Olaf Scholz

    I want a Europe that is a pioneer in important key technologies. Take the mobility of the future. Data will play a decisive role in this – for autonomous driving, in the networking of different means of transport or in the intelligent management of traffic flows. That’s why we need a uniform, cross-border European mobility data space as quickly as possible. We have made a start in Germany with the Mobility Data Space. Let’s link it up with all of Europe!

    Olaf Scholz

    Chancellor of Germany

  • Picture of Oliver Ganser

    As a clearing house for Gaia-X and Catena-X, T-Systems is one of the first clearing houses available on the market, not only for Catena-X, but also for other partners. We found the right partner to give the right people in the dataspace to credit - who you are, are you rightfully or wrongfully in there - and to make sure that we are Gaia-X compliant.

    Oliver Ganser

    Chief Executive Officer “Catena-X Association and Industry Consortium”

  • Picture of Thomas Rösch

    The integrity of dataspaces is built on verified company identities. T-Systems, Gaia-X compliant clearing house is a key pillar during the onboarding of new members into the Catena-X dataspace, and an important partner for us in building a trusted data ecosystem.

    Thomas Rösch

    Chief Executive Officer, Cofinity-X

  • Picture of Nicole Stevenson

    Flex is proud to have participated in launching the first live, cross-organizational data chain for secure scope-3 CO2 emissions data sharing, enabling Product Carbon Footprint calculations based on Catena-X standards and certified products. T-Systems, a Deutsche Telekom subsidiary like T-Mobile, played a pivotal role by delivering CX-certified onboarding services and its innovative 'data phone' and data exchange solutions, just in time for AIAG's announcement as the Catena-X North America hub.

    Nicole Stevenson

    Vice President Business Strategy & Marketing, Flex Automotive Business

  • Picture of Michael Tworek

    Thanks to T-Systems, we were able to establish a secure sandbox environment for experimenting with Catena-X. This early adoption has positioned us as innovators within the automotive industry, giving us a significant advantage as we move towards full automation of data provision and regulatory compliance.

    Michael Tworek

    Head of Digital Innovation, WITTE Automotive GmbH

  • Picture of Dr. Constantin Scheuermann

    On the EU initiative ERJU, we set up a one-stop shop application in a dataspace environment, which allows all participants within the work package to use the out-of-the-box solution seamlessly. T-Systems took care of all the technological details for the dataspace environment, ensuring a smooth onboarding process so we could focus on our end-to-end story and business case. I think this is a perfect example of developing an application in a dataspace.

    Dr. Constantin Scheuermann

    Product Manager, Knorr-Bremse

  • Picture of Akira Sakaino

    T-Systems is a global leader in trusted dataspaces, offering cutting-edge solutions like IDSA-certified connectors and Gaia-X trust frameworks. Their Build & Operate testbed enables real-world testing and innovation. Together, we are advancing globally connected dataspaces, combining T-Systems’ digital infrastructure expertise with our local market knowledge. This partnership provides Japanese organizations with a leading testbed environment, unlocking opportunities for innovation and secure cross-border data sharing between Japan and Europe. This collaboration fosters international trust, interoperability, and innovation in the digital economy.

    Akira Sakaino

    Director, Evangelist, Smart World Business, NTT Communications

  • Picture of Lars Nagel

    In our view, we need market adopters, early movers, commercial companies that just ship the great technology, software components and services we need, and we have trailblazers like T-Systems with the data intelligence hub, which already showed us two years ago what the world of data spaces could look like.

    Lars Nagel

    Chief Executive Officer, International Data Spaces Association (IDSA

  • Picture of Ulrich Ahle

    Market players like T-Systems are playing an important role in making dataspaces a reality, operating digital clearing houses according to the specification of Gaia-X. With this we are creating a global standard for dataspaces in different domains, starting with flagship domains like the automotive.

    Ulrich Ahle

    Chief Executive Officer - Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL

  • Picture of Roland Fadrany

    T-Systems was heavily involved in the creation of our standards, working in working groups, committees and even at board level. So, they were fully committed, and they built a set of services, but they also really understood the business model of building additional business on top of the clearinghouse functions.

    Roland Fadrany

    Chief Operating Officer - Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL

  • Picture of Meike van t Hoen

    The T-Systems Sandbox environment has been invaluable for exploring use cases and requirements for the European Rail Data Space. It enabled us to deploy connectors and exchange data pragmatically which also provided a concrete demonstration how the Rail Data Space works for companies outside the Europe’s Rail research project—paving the way for the expansion of the new secure and trustful data ecosystem for Rail.

    Meike van t Hoen

    Director Product Management Digital Products & Services, Knorr-Bremse

  • Picture of David Scuderi

    From now on, our customers will be able to leverage the combined power of AWS technology and T-Systems' innovative ability to unlock the value of their data and easily connect all their data sources, connect to any available data space of their choice. They can share data on their own terms and decide who can see and use their data while maintaining control over data access rights by obtain Gaia-X conformity for participants and services using the notes from T-Systems digital clearinghouses.

    David Scuderi

    Public Sector Lead, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Picture of Peter Koen

    Microsoft and T-Systems have joined forces in the Eclipse Data space working group to work together on software and create connectors to share data globally in a standardized way.

    Peter Koen

    Principal Cloud Standards Architect, Microsoft

  • Picture of Susanne Neumann

    Tracking visitor flows has never been so precise and effortless. Thanks to our collaboration with Deutsche Telekom, we can offer a wide range of data combinations that allow users to effectively monitor visitor and traffic movements.

    Susanne Neumann

    Regional Director of IMAS Group Germany

  • Picture of Martin Garner

    What is fundamentally different about the Telekom Data Intelligence Hub is that it’s the first commercial systems to be deployed that is compliant with the specification released in late 2017 by the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA).

    Martin Garner

    CCS Insight

  • Picture of Joel Stradling

    DT’s new Data Intelligence Hub illuminates DT’s ambitions to be a neutral data custodian on behalf of enterprise. Excellent security credentials and empowering business customers with data sovereignty combine to give very strong possibilities.

    Joel Stradling

    Global Data


Integrate and orchestrate dataspaces to a universal data ecosystems and composition. Implementing interoperability of dataspaces and developing dataspace networks for cross industry/regional transactions, insights and benefits.

Get Verified: DIH - Digital.ID

Verified credentials from government authorized trust anchor to become a trusted participant in dataspace ecosystems

  • Trustful

    T-Systems’ independent and secure global network entrusted with the initial Gaia-X digital clearing house node in Europe


    Highly intuitive UI for credential holder along with easy-to-use recipient & credential lifecycle management


    Scoring service based on custom parameters to allocate different trust-levels across dataspace participants for added trust

  • Cloud Agnostic

    Our cloud-agnostic connections run on-prem and on any cloud, including Sovereign plus


    Take your credentials to other data-driven ecosystems for complete interoperability within data mesh contex


    • Gaia-X or custom compliant
    • JWT conform
    • eIDAS regulation conform certificate


Your benefits

  • +

    Flexible and fast set-up of dataspace Mesh to address overarching business challenges

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    Strengthen your network by adding more participants, data, and applications

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    Stimulate collaboration and co-value creation by building partnerships

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    Experience full data sovereignty even between various dataspaces

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    Set-up business federations by composing selected dataspaces

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    Interconnect enables the creation of regional or industrial dataspace networks

Motion Data

Bring the benefits of consumer analytics to your B2B applications. Gain deeper insights into value chains and improve services and productivity with data analytics from Motion Data, all based on anonymized data processing. Our technologies were developed in close collaboration with the German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) and have been examined and certified by external data protection inspection agencies.

Your benefits

  • +

    Strong data processing and anonymization policies developed in cooperation with Germany Privacy authorities

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    Data assets delivered via Telekom Data Intelligence Hub to ensure trustful and secure sharing on any cloud of your choice

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    Access to Motion Data either via standard products with tailor-made subscriptions, or via project based requirements as per your needs

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    High data accuracy and reliability based on the largest and the best network in Germany: Deutsche Telekom

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    Wide range of KPIs and metrics to assist you in your data analytics and decision making processes

Let us support you in ‘Building & orchestrating’
your dataspace ecosystems