Tech meets Creativity after-work series: Catena-X
Telekom Data Intelligence Hub in Volkswagen after-work series
Telekom Data Intelligence Hub in Volkswagen after-work series
T-Systems International is hosting an after-work series consisting of three different events where topics like Catena-X, Software-Defined-Car and Omniverse will be discussed with leading industry experts. As a key contributor to Catena-X, Telekom Data Intelligence Hub will share how to connect and integrate your data to the first collaborative ecosystems for the automotive industry.
Discovering Catena-X and how to benefit from it
Dive deep into the world of Catena-X at the Volkswagen after-work event on September 14. Sven Löffler, tribe and chapter lead of the Telekom Data Intelligence Hub, will present how to participate within Catena-X and how to gain your own benefits from it, alongside Marius Pohl, business development manager at Cofinity-X, Steffen Poetsch, project manager at Volkswagen, Frederik Sanders, manager at Detecon, Lutz Garschke, vice president at T-Systems International, and Simon Schulz, senior information technology architect at T-Systems International.
With our Connect & Integrate offering you can connect to dataspaces like Catena-X in only a few minutes and gain your own value out of it. Our experts will give insights into the possibilities of minimizing efforts and risks during your dataspace journey. This offer ensures efficiency due to partial automation of data provisioning and consumption. At the same time the focus will also lie on maximizing business value through dataspaces, for example, by utilizing data to ensure traceability along the supply chain. Furthermore, live demos will show you the easy and quick onboarding process when joining Catena-X.
Uncover the immense possibilities of dataspaces with Catena-X and learn more about our Connect offering through our online demos on Connect Basic and Connect Advanced.