Telekom Data Intelligence Hub: your one-stop-shop for Catena-X

Catena-X is entering a new era – by going live on October 16. Years of development and testing now show their fruits – discover what your value is within the Catena-X ecosystems.  

Telekom Data Intelligence Hub, as a key contributor to Catena-X and solutions provider for companies of all sizes, wants to give you an insight into how you can get started and how the further process towards your scaling potential looks. With our broad portfolio of tailored packages, you can easily connect with companies and share data with the highest level of simplicity and support during all phases. 

Tom Buchert, senior consultant at T-Systems International and product owner at Catena-X, and Michaela Drost, business developer for international markets at Telekom Data Intelligence Hub, will navigate you into and through the Catena-X journey. Find out with us:

  • What is Catena-X and how is it revolutionizing data sharing between companies in the automotive sector
  • How to participate in Catena-X with the solution that best fits your company’s characteristics and goals
  • How to connect your data sources in a sovereign way, as well as map and convert data models according to Catena-X standards
  • How to implement data integration and interact and govern within the ecosystem 

Join us on October 18th, from 13:00 to 13:45 CEST. The webinar will be conducted in English. 

Register now and become part of Catena-X! 

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13:00 - 13:05 | Welcome & Introduction 

- Welcome and Agenda, Tom Buchert and Michaela Drost 

13:05 - 10:40 | Deep dive into Catena-X 

- Explore the importance of Catena-X in the automotive sector 

- How to participate in Catena-X with “Connect&Integrate 

- Discover how to connect your data sources and follow Catena-X standards 

13:40 - 13:45 | Q&A and Wrap-up 

- Q&A session 

- Closing 

Event happened on:

Date of the event: October 18, 2023

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