
Glossary Page

Quantities in computing refer to small or large numbers that are represented using a concise, whole-number notation with SI suffixes. This notation allows for easy representation of fractional numbers using milli units, while larger numbers can be represented using kilo, mega, or giga units. For example, 1.5 can be represented as 1500m, 1000 as 1k, and 1000000 as 1M. In addition, binary-notation suffixes can be used, such as 2Ki to represent 2048. The accepted decimal (power-of-10) units are m (milli), k (kilo, intentionally lowercase), M (mega), G (giga), T (tera), P (peta), and E (exa). The accepted binary (power-of-2) units are Ki (kibi), Mi (mebi), Gi (gibi), Ti (tebi), Pi (pebi), and Ei (exbi).

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