Fastlane Forum 2022

Fastlane Forum 2022

October 19, 2022

Fastlane Forum 2022

The digital age has long since begun and executives are looking for the best way to transform their company into a #Datadriven Company. 

If you want to stay ahead of the game now, you need to know your way around the digitization jungle – from data usage to profitable digital business models to issues around #AI! 

Join us to find out what it means to turn your data into a product, how data spaces can enable your organization to tap into the full potential of you data, and which implications digital sovereignty has for your company. 

Our experts talk to you about: 

➡️ “The Art of Data driven” 

➡️ Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and the scaling possibilities. 

➡️ Transformation challenges and solutions.  

➡️ Best practices for profitable data use 

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