TÜV Süd: Battery Pass verification via Catena-X

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Guided by the claim ‘More value. More trust.’, TÜV SÜD has been protecting people, the environment and material goods from technical risks since its foundation almost 160 years ago, thus enabling technical progress. We translate this claim into the digital age and continue to develop our range of services in the areas of testing and product certification, inspection, auditing and system certification, technical consulting and training.

As a reliable and trustworthy partner for greater safety and sustainability, we are helping to shape the changing framework conditions, develop new business models and thus open up opportunities and potential - for our customers and also for our own company. In this way, we fulfil our corporate purpose, fullfil our social mission and act in such a way that future generations can also live as well as possible in this world.


  • Lack of standardized and trustworthy verification for battery pass data in the Catena-X ecosystem
  • Difficulty in securely linking battery data to digital twins and validating them transparently
  • Need to assess the feasibility of a secure and scalable architecture for digital signing and authentication of data


  • As part of the technical PoC, TÜV SÜD developed a demo such as Catena-X-compliant certificates for battery pass data that can be digitally signed and verified
  • Use of verifiable credentials to test the authenticity and integrity of the certificates in accordance with W3C standards
  • T-Systems supported the use case development and ideation with a workshop to analyze feasibility and identify potential challenges at an early stage


  • The PoC has shown that standardized and automated verification of battery pass data is technically feasible
  • The results provide valuable insights for potential further development and scaling in the Catena-X ecosystem
  • Thanks to the close cooperation between TÜV SÜD and T-Systems, an initial concept for a possible future solution was developed that supports regulatory requirements and sustainability goals

TÜV SÜD is a leading global provider of safety and sustainability solutions, offering comprehensive testing, inspection, certification and consulting services to add value and inspire confidence across all industries.

T-Systems provided the Build & Operate environment (Catena-X Sandbox) that enables TÜV SÜD to research and develop innovative solutions for more value and more trust in battery passports from the Catena-X network. This partnership helped TÜV SÜD to identify concrete approaches and business value for its ecosystem partners.

Thomas Christl, Innovation Program Lead - Data Management & Business Models, TÜV SÜD Auto Service GmbH

Andrea Garcia
Andrea Garcia

Junior Business Development Executive - Data Economy

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