The Telekom Data Intelligence Hub optimizes cross border logistics in Europe

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The European Funding Project FENIX connects different pilot regions and transport corridors, to do so the project relies on the know-how of T-Systems. An important building block to enable this connection is the Telekom Data Intelligence Hub, it allows a secure, encrypted cross border data exchange. As a neutral participant it connects the diverse logistical IT-Systems on one unified platform.

This allows FENIX to harmonize the data of transports and improve freight capacity whilst reducing CO² emissions. At the same time, it strengthens the position of the EU market against others. The Telekom Data Intelligence Hub is a marketplace that allows participants to securely share their data in a peer to peer fashion, the data exchange exclusively happens between the parties involved in the transaction and is kept secure throughout the whole process. Companies maintain full sovereignty and full control over the data. Thus, the Telekom Data Intelligence Hub bases its Architecture on the IDSA standards to ensure a trusted environment in which participants can be sure the data stays in their hands.

FENIX allows an easier way to plan and operate supply chains in European transport corridors. Platforms that offer high quality solutions such as the Telekom Data Intelligence Hub play an integral role in the realization of these use cases, such technologies enable sea- and airports as well as production companies and logistics experts to gain more transparency over the whole supply chain in real-time. Important variables such as time of arrival can be easily looked up to create a better, more efficient and less cost intensive workflows throughout the process. This allows not only for better improved sales routes but gives an opportunity for a better timing and fewer delays throughout the many stages in the delivery process. Companies are therefore better equipped to solve challenges such as the Traveling-Salesman-Problem.

The Data Intelligence Hub presents itself as the optimal platform for solving such complex problems, through its wide range of data tools as well as data providers, its secure nature based on the strict architectural standards of the IDSA to ensure data sovereignty and thus give all participating parties the security they need and reliability that the providers of data retain sovereignty and can decide who can use the data and to what extent.


Sven Löffler
Sven Löffler

Head of Data Spaces and Data Products

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