Aleksandar Kelecevic

Product and Technology Lead - Data Economy

Aleksandar Kelecevic
Aleksandar Kelecevic

Product and Technology Lead - Data Economy

About the Author

Meet Aleksandar Kelecevic, an endlessly curious Product and Technology Lead responsible for overseeing both the development of innovative data-driven products within the Telekom Data Intelligence Hub and the technological infrastructure supporting them. His role allows him to drive the entire product lifecycle from ideation to implementation, ensuring that products meet market demands through direct customer interactions while leveraging cutting-edge technologies, and developing a few along the way. 

He is currently engaged in shaping the visions and interplay between all T-Systems' Data Economy product offerings, making sure that Connect and Integrate, Living Lab, Digital.ID and Motion Data work seamlessly together. Prior to his work in the Telekom Data Intelligence Hub, he lead the development of the data analytics tooling for the new statistical environment of European Central Bank, as well as the follow-up migration of business processes to the new system. He finished his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering at the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he spent years tutoring curious students.