Fast and secure data exchange between OEM and supplier

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Challenge of the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry is subject to constant change. One central task is to effectively design the value-added network in times of digitalization, with enormous challenges and new opportunities at the same time. Networked navigation of cars, smart and autonomous parking, automated information on workshop appointments and coordination of shared vehicles are just a few examples of data-based services that are quickly becoming a reality today. If manufacturers were to share their telematics and telemetry data across the board, there would be far more opportunities – and this across all industries. With a managed interface, OEMs would collect vehicle information via their backend and pass it on to a neutral platform, with each retaining sovereignty over its data and choosing with which partner to share.

Data Exchanges to Solve Coordination Problems

B2B data exchanges and marketplaces could solve many coordination problems in the automotive industry. The Data Intelligence Hub (DIH) can be the missing link in the automotive world. Operated neutrally by Deutsche Telekom, it is available as a B2B interface. The Data Intelligence Hub offers data freely or for sale. At the same time, it provides analysis tools for processing data using methods such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. The Data Intelligence Hub also integrates information from other industries such as Smart City and logistics.

Advantages of the Data Intelligence Hub

In the end, the Data Intelligence Hub brings several industries together: Energy suppliers, for example, can use the information to keep the power grid stable. Brightness, rain and temperature sensors of the networked cars make regional, highly detailed weather forecasts possible. Shared vehicle companies, in order to coordinate the contribution of their devices on the most visited locations, can use the public traffic data collected from official sources. In addition, the DIH offers automobile manufacturers the opportunity to monetize their data across all industries – and in many ways – in the spirit of a digital lifestyle for greater vehicle safety and comfort.

Chris S. Langdon
Chris S. Langdon

Business Lead, Data Analytics Executive, Catena-X Product Manager

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