Eclipse Dataspace Working Group: T-Systems as a key member

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We proudly support the Eclipse Foundation in the endeavor of launching the Eclipse Dataspace Working Group (EDWG), a European-based initiative driving innovation in secure data exchange through open-source technologies. 

Eclipse Dataspace Working Group – fostering global innovation in trusted data sharing 

Eclipse Foundation stands as one of the world's largest open-source organizations in Europe. With the Eclipse Dataspace Connector and other relevant components for data ecosystems, the Eclipse Foundation has substantially shaped the world of federated and decentral data exchange. The Eclipse Dataspace Working Group aims to foster new dataspaces based on open-source technologies, in order to achieve secure exchange of sovereign data across private companies and governments, among other institutions. 

Mike Milinkovich, the Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation, emphasizes that EDWG is eliminating gatekeepers, enabling technology innovation, and ensuring everyone benefits from their sovereign data. 

T-Systems as EDWG member – shaping the future of dataspaces 

As a pioneer in dataspaces, Telekom Data Intelligence Hub sees this collaboration as a strategic move to shape the future of sovereign data ecosystems, joining forces with other members and contributing to the EDWG's mission of creating an ecosystem for technology innovation in the EU and beyond. 

EDWG members, including T-Systems International GmbH, play a crucial role in developing and promoting open-source solutions for scalable, industry-ready dataspaces. The EDWG fosters a component-driven model, allowing diverse organizations to participate in creating interoperable dataspaces. This means a collaborative landscape where shared data becomes a trusted commodity. With that, businesses will be enabled with the necessary software components to create value from their data, beyond company borders. 

Telekom Data Intelligence Hub’s collaboration with Eclipse Foundation 

Our commitment to shaping the future of dataspaces extends beyond the formation of the Eclipse Dataspace Working Group (EDWG). As pioneers developing innovative solutions for secure data sharing, we emphasize the significance of open-source principles, which has been a key element of our collaboration with the Eclipse Foundation. 

An important moment in our journey was marked by the recognition and certification by International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) and Catena-X Automotive Network for our Connect product family, built on top of the Eclipse Dataspace Connector. This certification reinforces our commitment to industry standards and security. 

We had the pleasure of collaborating globally, extending our partnership with the Eclipse Foundation. We work towards enabling dataspace prototypes based on open-source software from the Eclipse Foundation and Gaia-X, with our sandbox environment, LivingLab, representing an important step towards globalization of dataspaces. 

As proud contributors to the EDWG, we are excited about the forthcoming innovations that will shape the future of secure data exchange. For further details, explore the full press release. 

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Eclipse Foundation. (n.d.). Eclipse Foundation - Home Page. Eclipse Foundation 

Telekom Data Intelligence Hub. (n.d.). Telekom Data Intelligence Hub. Telekom Data Intelligence Hub   

Eclipse Foundation (n.d.-c). Eclipse Foundation - Eclipse Dataspace Components.  Eclipse Foundation 

T-Systems International. (n.d.). T-Systems International - Home Page. T-Systems International 

Harris, J. (2023, December 5). Eclipse Foundation - Home Page. Eclipse News.  

LinkedIn. (n.d.). Mike Milinkovich | LinkedIn. LinkedIn 

Eclipse Foundation. (n.d.-a). Eclipse Foundation - Eclipse Fact Sheet. Eclipse Foundation 

Telekom Data Intelligence Hub. (n.d.). LivingLab. Telekom Data Intelligence Hub 

Telekom Data Intelligence Hub (n.d.). Connect. Telekom Data Intelligence Hub 

Wang, D. (2023, August 28). T-systems deploys dataspace prototype for Global Markets. Telekom Data Intelligence Hub.  

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