Discover anomalies in production earlier

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In production facilities, all processes are precisely timed, every step must be exact, often in 24/7 operations. If individual machines are down or a production lines fails, then the entire factory gets out of sync, sometimes causing total standstill. The result: production losses, lost sales, repair costs. The goal: to minimize machine downtime – whether through damage or maintenance. This is achieved with artificial intelligence and intelligent evaluation of machine data, in a process that assesses the collected sensor values, control and maintenance data, compares and delivers results to technicians in a targeted manner. Because of the multitude of sensor, control and maintenance data, it is often impossible to consolidate the complex but valuable data and evaluate it in correlation. On top of that, often additional data, e.g. environmental data or data along the supply chain is essential and secure data exchange is required for companies and service technicians.

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Smart Monitoring helps companies to bundle complex information. Smart Monitoring is an analytics service on the Data Intelligence Hub, monitors and analyzes all machine data around the clock and informs the service staff about possible deviations, so-called anomalies. Intelligent algorithms learn different operating states and send alarms in case of irregularities. This allows companies to schedule maintenance appointments in a timely manner or bundle relevant information when individual machine components fail. This saves time and costs. Special benefit: The Data Intelligence Hub visualizes all data so that service personnel can directly identify the reason for the failure and remedy the error more quickly. Dashboards simplify troubleshooting by identifying the affected machine component and clearly presenting the causative sensor values.


With the help of artificial intelligence, smart monitoring dashboards evaluate the complex sensor data according to the situation. This reduces downtime, and maintenance and servicing work can be planned and coordinated more efficiently. Additionally, necessary analysis data can be easily gained and evaluated via the Data Intelligence Hub. On top of that, customers could monetarize their own data stocks in order to open up further sources of revenue easily, transparently and securely.

Chris S. Langdon
Chris S. Langdon

Business Lead, Data Analytics Executive, Catena-X Product Manager

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