AccuWeather – Global weather data provider joins the Deutsche Telekom DIH

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Each year companies are forced to spend billions of dollars on repairs and protection against the negative impact of unforeseen weather conditions. This fact motivates numerous companies nowadays to invest in weather data and related insights that enable competitive advantage in predictive and strategic decision-making to avoid any risk that may cause additional costs. Analyzing dependencies between weather conditions and customer behavior is also becoming a common best practice nowadays.  In a 2018 survey that was conducted by IBM 93% of all the 1000 participating C-level executives were certain that weather-related insights could enable their organizations to improve revenue growth. 100% of all surveyed participants acknowledged that weather data could reduce annual legal, insurance, and risk mitigation costs.


We are very proud to announce yet another partnership that will enable all our members to plan, forecast, and thus rely on all business decisions that may be affected by weather conditions. With the recent addition of AccuWeather-data to our DIH-Marketplace members can now access a multitude of useful APIs and datasets that can be utilized in a variety of weather-data-driven solutions.  AccuWeather provides precise and reliable weather forecasts and warnings and additional weather products and services, with clients worldwide in media, business and government, including thousands of other businesses globally.  AccuWeather’s forecasts and warning services are based on weather information derived from numerous sources such as:

The company is a global market leader in the field of digital media and weather-related big-data applications. In 2018, Accu Weather’s applications received more than 300 million unique visitors per month from around the world with 35 billion data requests per day.

AccuWeather API

The AccuWeather API allows easy access to the most accurate and detailed weather data to develop innovative new weather experiences. It supports over 30 billion requests per day, more than 100 languages and is constantly being updated (every 5-15 minutes) throughout the day so that it will always provide the most current results in terms of temperatures, storm outlooks, and rain potential. On the other hand, it offers static forecast data including current conditions, daily forecasts, hourly forecasts, and indices, enabling developers to call the data simply on demand. As of now, we are offering the following API components on our DIH-Marketplace:

AccuWeather Locations

  • Subscribers may use AccuWeaterh Locations data to search for worldwide regions, countries, administrative areas, and locations.
  • There are three types of locations that can be queried: cities, points of interest, and postal codes.
  • Cities include more than 3.5 million searchable locations including 1.7 million verified locations
  • All the above locations can be identified using postal codes.
  • AccuWeather Locations also includes the search of POIs (points of interest). There are more than 50.000 searchable POIs.

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AccuWeather Current Conditions

  • Current Conditions refers to weather observations from the past 6 or 24 hours for a particular location.
  • Grants access to historical current condition data for the world’s top cities in lists of 50, 100, or 150 cities.
  • The data contains the observation time, a weather phrase, a weather icon, precipitation indicator flags as well as the temperature at a given location.

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AccuWeather Daily and Hourly Forecasts

  • Forecasts resemble the weather conditions at a future point in time.
  • Daily forecasts may be retrieved for 1 day, 5 days, 10 days, 15 days, 25 days, and 45 days.
  • Hourly forecasts may be retrieved for 1 hour, 12 hours, 24 hours, 72 hours, 120 hours, and 240 hours


AccuWeather International Air Quality

  • The International Air Quality API endpoints provide Plume Labs information about pollutants in the air for any global location.
  • Air quality data offers localized insights into the presence of pollutants and different particle sizes:
    • Fine particles, such as those found in smoke and haze, are 2.5 micrometers in diameter and smaller. These particles can be directly emitted from sources such as forest fires, or they can form when gases emitted from power plants, industries, and automobiles react in the air.
    • Inhalable course particles, such as those found near roadways and dusty industries, are larger than 2.5 micrometers and smaller than 10 micrometers in diameter.

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Weather Data in Practice

Weather data can be of great use in multiple industries. The examples that are listed below exemplify how a purposeful application of weather data may look like:

Transportation and Logistics

Road conditions are highly dependent on overall weather conditions. Big logistics companies for instance are already utilizing weather data to gain informational awareness about routing options and dangerous weather conditions that may even provoke incidents. Utilizing weather data within the logistics sector is becoming a very well-known strategy to cut costs, save lives, and optimize the delivery time.

Connected Vehicles

In order to ensure the safe delivery of occupants to their destination, autonomous vehicles often require a constant feed of weather data forecasts as a reference for environmental adjustments within driver assistance systems such as the Electronic Stability System (ESS)


Insurance companies can utilize weather data to estimate fraud in climate-related incidents. Insurance companies may also use weather data to detect risky or careless customer behavior that may result in unnecessary expenditure.

Acknowledgement: This article was written with support of Sean Bäker during his time as a dual student within the Telekom Data Intelligence Hub.


Sven Löffler
Sven Löffler

Dataspaces and Data Products Director

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