Mohamed Radwan

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Automating WAF for Multi-Cloud in Dataspaces

In a multi-cloud setup, using Rancher to manage Kubernetes clusters requires adding NAT gateway IPs to the Rancher Load Balancer's Security Group. Due to Security Group limits of 1,000 IPs per ENI, employing a Web Application Firewall (WAF) is beneficial. WAF allows 100 IP sets with 10,000 IPs each, supporting up to 1 million IP addresses and providing enhanced logging and metrics.


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Mohamed Radwan

24. Juli 2024

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Your data, your rules: T-Systems and AWS empowering your control!

Unlock the potential of secure cross-organizational data sharing with T-Systems and AWS. This strategic collaboration bridges the gap in achieving true data liberation and control. Experience the Connect Offering, Digital.ID, and LivingLab Sandbox, empowering you to participate effortlessly in data ecosystems while ensuring Gaia-X Conformity. T-Systems and AWS, together in the AWS Solutions Library, bring innovative, secure, and integrated solutions, putting you in control of your data.


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Mohamed Radwan, Andrea Garcia

21. Dez. 2023

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T-Systems is listed in AWS Solutions Library!

Discover the collaborative innovation behind LivingLab, a cutting-edge software development environment developed by Telekom Data Intelligence Hub in partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS). LivingLab provides a secure sandbox environment, ensuring data sovereignty protection and compliance with industry standards like GAIA-X and IDSA. As proud partners listed in the AWS Solutions Library, we empower organizations through advanced analytics processing and streamlined data management, fostering industry collaboration and digital transformation.


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Nina Popanton, Mohamed Radwan

20. Okt. 2023

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Aufbau von Datenräumen in einer Multi-Cloud

Durch unser Angebot an verschiedenen Cloud-Anbietern wie AWS, GCP, Azure, OTC und GCP Souverän können unsere Kunden den Cloud-Anbieter wählen, der ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen, Präferenzen und Compliance-Anforderungen entspricht, und erhalten so die Flexibilität und Datensouveränität, um ihre Cloud-Strategie zu optimieren.


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Mohamed Radwan

07. Juli 2023

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Integrate Keycloak, Kubeapps and Pinniped

Integrating kubeapps with Keycloak and Pinniped on the cloud can provide a secure and streamlined experience for managing applications in a Kubernetes environment.


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Mohamed Radwan

12. Juni 2023