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Delivered! 5 Stars! Catena-X: A 3-year, EUR 250 million software start-up success

The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action successfully facilitated the CX project, bringing together 28 companies, including BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Volkswagen, for a three-year, EUR 250 million initiative. Using agile methodologies and the SAFe framework, the project delivered significant innovations in urban mobility through open-source software. The Data ECOSYSTEM software system, a major outcome, enables trustworthy cross-organizational data exchange, highlighted by the implementation of Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) tracking to reduce CO2 emissions.


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Chris S. Langdon

24. Juni 2024

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Visiting influencers in Washington D.C. and Silicon Valley

The Telekom Data Intelligence Hub, alongside Acatech and DLR, recently embarked on a U.S. tour to discuss and showcase the potential of dataspace technology in the automotive and aerospace industries. The delegation visited Washington D.C. to engage with policymakers at the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and continued to Silicon Valley to connect with tech innovators at Stanford University and Accenture Labs. The tour underscored the global importance of dataspaces and their transformative impact on supply chains, emphasizing the successful integration and commercial viability demonstrated at events like CES and Hannover Fair 2024.


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Chris S. Langdon

21. Mai 2024

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HM2024: Dataspace first movers’ success

Discover the success stories and cutting-edge advancements showcased at Hannover Messe 2024, where leaders in dataspaces, digital twins, and smart mobility converge to shape the future of Industry 4.0 and global supply chains.


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Chris S. Langdon

29. Apr. 2024

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Tractus-X Sandbox

Discover an innovative application development environment powered by Eclipse Tractus-X, offering unparalleled focus and speed from concept to implementation success. With Tractus-X Sandbox, Catena-X Sandbox, and LivingLab Tractus-X, choose the option that fits your needs and start building your data-driven applications effortlessly. Benefit from trusted transactions, ease of use, and T-Systems' expertise in providing reliable data infrastructure solutions.


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Chris S. Langdon

15. Apr. 2024

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ASMD2024: KI in die Praxis umsetzen - Experten, Praktiker, Ökosysteme

Die ASMD2024, veranstaltet von T-Systems International, brachte Experten und Praktiker zusammen, um die Rolle der KI in der automobilen Innovation zu erforschen. Entdecken Sie, wie sich KI mit Dataspaces, Catena-X und mehr überschneidet und die Zukunft der Branche prägt.


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Chris S. Langdon

18. März 2024

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T-Systems erweitert Dataspace-Portfolio um Digital Twin Registry powered by Bosch

T-Systems und Bosch Connected Industry haben sich zusammengetan, um eine bahnbrechende Ergänzung des Dataspace-Portfolios vorzustellen: die Digital Twin Registry. Diese innovative Lösung rationalisiert das Management des digitalen Zwillings und verbessert die Datenverfügbarkeit innerhalb verschiedener Ökosysteme und ist speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Fertigungsunternehmen zugeschnitten, die nach effizienten Datenmanagementlösungen suchen.


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Chris S. Langdon, Nina Popanton

29. Feb. 2024

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Gewinnen mit digitalen Zwillingen

Entdecken Sie die Leistungsfähigkeit digitaler Zwillinge im Datenmanagement! Erfahren Sie, wie sie die Datenveredelung rationalisieren und die Automatisierung vorantreiben, um den Weg für innovative Lösungen und effiziente Geschäftsabläufe zu ebnen.


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Chris S. Langdon

27. Feb. 2024

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CES 2024: PCF pilot with Catena-X technology

Ford, Flex, T-Systems International, and IBM have collaborated on a groundbreaking product carbon footprint (PCF) tracking pilot using Catena-X technology, the first open data ecosystem for the automotive industry. The pilot, demonstrated successfully at CES 2024, showcases the seamless exchange of PCF data across the supply chain, addressing industry challenges and establishing standards. Participants gain access to a free sandbox environment, Catena-X certified connectivity, and IBM's Supply Chain Intelligence Suite for tracing PCF values.


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Chris S. Langdon

23. Jan. 2024

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CES 2024: How this Web3 tech breakthrough can help with primary CO2 emission data in automotive - visit us

Explore the revolutionary PCF pilot at CES 2024, where Cofinity-X, in collaboration with Ford, Flex, Deutsche Telekom's T-Systems, and IBM, addresses CO2 emissions in the automotive sector. Witness the cutting-edge solution leveraging Web3 technology, featuring a dataspace and digital twins, to establish a cross-organizational data chain. Visit us at LVCC West Hall, room 323, from Jan 9-11 to experience the live demo and join the PCF pilot data chain.


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Chris S. Langdon

12. Jan. 2024