T-Systems is listed in AWS Solutions Library!

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Innovating together: AWS partnerhisp behind LivingLab 

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital transformation, collaboration stands as the foundation for success. At Telekom Data Intelligence Hub, we firmly believe that companies must unite their strengths, expertise and resources to drive digitalization across industries. A clear example is our partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) that has given raise to LivingLab. 

LivingLab is a sandbox with a dataspace, a software development environment to let you focus on use cases and prototyping of apps powered by dataspace capabilities, such as data sovereignty protection, leaving all dataspace complexities to us. LivingLab ensures compliance with industry standards like GAIA-X and IDSA, ensuring compliance and security. 

By partnering with AWS, we have harnessed robust cloud structures to offer an exceptional experience. Using AWS cloud services, including Amazon Simple Storage Service for data storage and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service for high-performance computing, LivingLab provides an advanced sandbox development environment that guarantees seamless data exchange within existing dataspaces. 

T-Systems listed in AWS Solutions Library 

We are happy to announce that T-Systems, particularly Telekom Data Intelligence Hub, is now listed on AWS Solutions Library as partner solutions. AWS Solutions Library offers solutions and guidance for organizations for a broad range of industry and technology use cases, that aim to solve business challenges rapidly. These solutions include software products, SaaS, and managed services built on or integrated with AWS. 

You can find us under "Analytics Processing” within AWS solutions for databases. This section is dedicated to empowering organizations to gain insights by utilizing dedicated database resources for analytics, all while preserving operational efficiency. Companies can prepare information for use by analysts, applications, and business intelligence tools without affecting the performance or integrity of transactional or secured systems. 

Image 1. T-Systems listed on AWS Solutions Library 

Additionally, we are featured in “Data Catalog”, part of AWS solutions for analytics. These solutions support customers preparing data to obtain quality results, connect to diverse data sources and manage data in a centralized data catalog while making data preparation simpler, faster, and cheaper, creating efficiencies and accelerating projects. 

Industry collaboration – securing a digital future together 

In today's digital landscape, data stands as the most valuable asset. It is essential for companies to securely and trustfully connect with others to share, process, and analyze data while ensuring sovereignty protection.  

At Telekom Data Intelligence Hub, we are dedicated to fostering collaborative ecosystems. We understand that industry challenges are complex and can only be solved through unified efforts. By enabling secure and efficient data sharing, we not only facilitate innovation but also promote solutions that serve legal, ethical, and sustainable needs.  

LivingLab – create your own dataspace on your own terms 

Learn more about LivingLab and start now experiencing digital sovereignty by setting up and deploying dataspaces. 


Telekom Data Intelligence Hub. (n.d.-b). Create your own dataspace - on your own terms. Telekom Data Intelligence Hub 

T-Systems International. 2023. T-Systems International. T-Systems International     

Telekom Data Intelligence Hub. (n.d.). Dataspaces solutions for Sovereign and Secure Data Sharing solutions for Sovereign and Secure Data Sharing. Telekom Data Intelligence Hub   

Yadav , T., & Nell, C. (2023, June 7). Dataspaces in the United States: AWS and T-Systems partner for dataspace test environment development. Telekom Data Intelligence Hub. 

Wang, D., Popp, F., & Konietzko, C. (2023, July 4). LivingLab: A trustful and sovereign sandbox environment for dataspace experimentation and data exchange. Telekom Data Intelligence Hub. 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS: Start Building on AWS Today. Amazon Web Services (AWS). 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS Solutions Library. Amazon Web Services (AWS).  

Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS Solutions Library: Analytics Processing. Amazon Web Services (AWS). 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS Solutions Library: Data Catalog. Amazon Web Services (AWS). 
