A Taint is a fundamental Kubernetes object that includes three mandatory properties: key, value, and effect. Its main purpose is to prevent the scheduling of Pods on nodes or node groups that do not meet certain requirements. Taints work in conjunction with tolerations to ensure that Pods are scheduled only on appropriate nodes. Nodes are assigned one or more taints, and a Pod can only be scheduled on a node that has the corresponding toleration for the specified taints.
Technical Architecture
The Technical Architecture outlines the general framework and its constituent parts for accomplishing Gaia-X's objectives. The Technical Committee disseminates updates on the current state of progress through the Technical Architecture Paper.
Technical readiness
The degree to which a product, service, or system is technologically developed and refined for use.
Technology readiness level
The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is a scale used to evaluate the level of readiness of new technologies. It ranges from 1 to 9, with higher numbers indicating greater technological advancement.
Catena-X Automotive Network e.V.
Telco Device Supplier
A rarely used term for manufacturers of telecommunications devices is "Telco Device". These devices can include smartphones, cable modems, and so on.
Teleconsultation refers to a medical procedure in which a physician either speaks to a patient at a distance if the patient is involved, or in which multiple physicians communicate at a distance without involving a patient.
The term "telediscipline" covers various specialist methods that enable medical services to be provided over a spatial distance. Examples include telepathology and teleradiology.
A platform or solution that facilitates the connection between physicians, nurses, and individuals suffering from chronic illnesses, aiding in the diagnosis, monitoring, and self-care management of patients.
Telemedicine encompasses all medical diagnosis and treatment measures carried out using information and communication technologies to bridge spatial or temporal ("asynchronous") distances between doctors (tele-doctors), pharmacists, and patients or between two consulting physicians. The term telemedicine is used as an umbrella term for telehealth, telecare, and tele-disciplines.
The exchange of a patient's physiological data, collected in their everyday environment, between medical professionals is called telemonitoring.
Term of Usage (ref. Data Exchange)
A particular representation of a Data License that is part of a Signed Data Product Self-Description, outlining all the limitations related to sharing data.
Testbeds serve as comprehensive representations of systems and are employed to examine system elements and their interactions in order to deepen our understanding of the actual system. These testbeds consist of prototypes and fragments of real system components, enabling us to gain valuable insights into the functioning of specific elements within a system.
This category involves the use of linguistic and semantic methods to extract relevant information from texts, identify structures, and establish connections between the data and other data sources. This enables the application of text-based business intelligence.
The Act Against Restraints of Competition
The Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB) is a German law that protects competition and ensures fair competitive conditions. It regulates how to deal with restrictive practices such as cartels, market-dominating behavior and unfair competition. The ARC prohibits agreements, arrangements or measures that restrict competition, manipulate prices or hinder market access. It also contains provisions for controlling mergers and acquisitions to prevent market dominance. The law is enforced by the Federal Cartel Authority and the German courts to ensure fair and free competition for the benefit of consumers and businesses.
The Broadband Office of the Federal Government
The Broadband Office of the Federal Government (BBB) was established in late 2010. Since the parliamentary election in 2013, the responsibility for telecommunications infrastructures lies within the domain of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). The main objective of the Broadband Office of the Federal Government is to support the broadband strategy of the federal government.
The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) is a ministry of the federal government in Germany. It is responsible for shaping and implementing the country's economic and technological policies. The BMWi works to strengthen the competitiveness of the German economy, promote innovation, support the labor market, and improve the business and consumer environment. The ministry is also responsible for energy policy, the digitalization of the economy, foreign trade and industrial policy.
A fundamental item comprising three essential characteristics - key, value, and effect - is used for scheduling pods on nodes or node groups that have corresponding taints. Taints and tolerations collaborate to prevent pods from being scheduled on unsuitable nodes. A pod is assigned one or more tolerations, which signify that it can be scheduled on nodes or node groups with matching taints, although it is not mandatory.
Total Cost of Ownership
The total costs associated with the purchase, use, and disposal (if applicable) of an asset, such as a computer system, are referred to as Total Cost of Ownership. These costs are an important aspect in product design and are intended to help understand and influence customer purchasing decisions.
Total Factor of Productivity
The total factor of productivity refers to the ratio between the total output of a production unit and the total quantity of input factors used. It indicates how efficiently all production factors are used together to achieve the total output. A high total factor productivity indicates that a production unit can generate a larger quantity of output with the given resources. It is a measure of the efficiency and performance of the production processes of a unit.
The process of verifying the history, location, or application of an item using documented recorded identification.
Tracking &Tracing
To obtain information about the whereabouts of goods at a certain point in time, a system is used that also captures the history of raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products in the production chain. This makes it possible to trace the production and shipping process.
Traffic Data Interconnection System
An intermodal traffic data link system enables the networking of freight and transport traffic with individual traffic, be it motorized individual traffic (MIV) or public passenger transport (ÖPV). Its purpose is to ensure both optimal routing for individual transport operations and for all road users as a whole.
Traffic Data Marketplace
A digital platform or marketplace for traffic data enables the exchange and use of information in the field of transportation. An example of this is the Mobility Data Marketplace (MDM) of the Federal Highway Research Institute (Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen or BAST in German).
Traffic guidance systems
Information and communication technologies are used to collect, transmit, process and use traffic-related data locally. The main objective of traffic control systems is to organize traffic efficiently, provide information and control the flow of traffic.
Traffic Light Protocol (TLP)
The TLP (Traffic Light Protocol) is an internationally recognized framework for exchanging sensitive information. It was developed by the National Infrastructure Security Coordination Centre in the UK. Data and documents are classified into four categories, which determine the conditions for their disclosure.
Traffic strategic route planning
Traffic-strategic route planning uses data from traffic guidance systems. Depending on the utilization of the traffic infrastructure, different alternatives for route planning are automatically compared. The most favorable option is then selected dynamically to reach the destination.
Transaction data
Transactional data refers to data that is collected from transactions. It encompasses details such as the transaction time, location, item prices, payment methods, applicable discounts, and various other transaction-related quantities and attributes. Typically, transactional data is collected at the point of sale.
Transaction databases
To highlight the distinction from newer types of databases, it should be noted that transactional databases, which belong to the class of relational databases, are only mentioned for completeness. They are specifically optimized for the OLTP27 (Online Transaction Processing) use case and enable the concurrent work of hundreds of thousands of users.
Transaction Participant
A member of a data space directly involved in a data transaction by either providing data, permissions related to the data, or by receiving data and permissions for its use.
Transmission Control Protocol
A component of the internet protocols that serves as the foundation for HTTP.