
Confirmation by providing objective evidence that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been successfully met. external-link

Variable Pricing

Variable pricing is a business model where the price of a product or service changes based on market demand. It is commonly used in industries with limited supply like airlines and hotels, as well as by platforms like Airbnb and Uber. By adjusting prices according to demand, businesses can maximize profitability and offer competitive value. This strategy allows them to charge more during high-demand periods and lower prices when demand is low. Although there are risks such as customer dissatisfaction, when implemented effectively, variable pricing helps businesses optimize profits while still providing value to customers. external-link

VAT ID (Value-Added Tax Identification number)

A VAT ID (Value-Added Tax Identification number) is a unique identifier assigned to businesses for tax purposes. It is used to track and identify businesses for Value-Added Tax (VAT) purposes. The VAT ID is typically issued by the tax authorities in a country and is required for businesses engaged in taxable transactions. external-link


Amount of virtual CPUs available in runtime to the components contained in the bundle.

Telekom Data Intelligence Hub


The term "vehicle-to-X communication" covers various communication technologies that establish a link between vehicles and the infrastructure in order to improve road safety. One specific example is vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Here, information and data are exchanged directly between vehicles to inform drivers in good time about critical and dangerous situations. external-link

Verbraucher an Verbraucher (private Auktionen)

Consumer to Consumer refers to direct interactions between private individuals, often facilitated through platforms or websites, such as engaging in private auctions or online marketplaces for buying and selling goods or services.

Quelle [AM 13] S. 301 Abts, D.; Mülder, W.: Grundkurs Wirtschaftsinformatik. Eine kompakte und praxisorientierte Einführung. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2013.

Verifiable Credential

A verifiable credential includes subject identification, issuing authority, credential type, asserted attributes, derivation evidence, and constraints, mirroring physical credentials. Utilizing technologies like digital signatures, verifiable credentials surpass physical ones in security and tamper resistance. Credential holders can generate and share verifiable presentations to demonstrate specific characteristics. Both can be swiftly transmitted, enhancing remote trust establishment. The specification strives to harmonize the simplicity of expressing digital credentials with privacy considerations, tackling issues related to data persistence and correlation. The term "verifiable" pertains to a credential's verifiability by a verifier, without implying the truth of claims, empowering verifiers to assess based on provided evidence. external-link

Verifiable Credential Wallet

A Verifiable Credential Wallet is a digital application or platform that allows individuals to securely store and manage their verifiable credentials. The verifiable credentials stored in a Verifiable Credential Wallet are tamper-evident and cryptographically secured, ensuring that they cannot be altered or forged without detection. external-link

Verifiable Presentation

A presentation that can be verified is an encoded display that includes evidence of tampering, ensuring the trustworthiness of the data's authorship through cryptographic verification. external-link


Verification refers to an examination using impartial methods to ensure that specified characteristics (e.g., of products or components) are indeed met. external-link


An entity's function is carried out by obtaining one or more verifiable credentials, which may be enclosed in a verifiable presentation for processing purposes. external-link

Vertical Ecosystems

Vertical Ecosystems refer to ecosystems that are designed for specific domains with the goal of facilitating the sharing of data, knowledge, and the development of cross-border use-cases. external-link

Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line

Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) ist eine Breitbandtechnologie, die einen Hochgeschwindigkeits-Internetzugang über bestehende Kupfertelefonleitungen ermöglicht. Es handelt sich um eine fortgeschrittene Form der Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)-Technologie, die wesentlich schnellere Datenübertragungsraten als herkömmliche DSL-Verbindungen bietet. VDSL nutzt fortschrittliche Modulationstechniken und Signalverarbeitung, um eine höhere Bandbreite zu erreichen, was schnellere Download- und Upload-Geschwindigkeiten ermöglicht. Dank der höheren Datenkapazität eignet sich VDSL besonders für bandbreitenintensive Anwendungen wie High-Definition-Video-Streaming, Online-Spiele und andere datenintensive Aufgaben. external-link

Video Audio Analytics

This refers to the examination of multimedia content, the extraction of information and the recognition of connections. Audio data is often converted to text and then analyzed using text-based methods. external-link

Virtual Classrooms

An online system is provided to support both synchronous and asynchronous learning (e-learning, webinars). Video, audio, whiteboard, application sharing, and chat or forum are used. external-link

Virtual Data Center

A Virtual Datacenter refers to a collection of cloud infrastructure resources that are tailored to meet the specific requirements of enterprise businesses. These resources encompass compute power, memory capacity, storage capabilities, and network bandwidth. external-link

Virtual Learning Environments

Virtual Learning Environments are web-based e-learning systems designed to facilitate formal learning and educational processes by providing individuals with a personalized virtual access to classes, learning materials, assessments, supplementary tasks, grades, evaluations, and other available educational resources. external-link

Virtual Local Area Network

A Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a delimited logical network within a switch or a physical network. It can span one or more switches. By using VLAN-capable switches, physical networks are divided into separate subnets. This ensures that frames (data packets) from one VLAN are not forwarded to other VLANs, even if the subnets are connected to common switches. external-link

Virtual Machine Extension

A Virtual Machine Extension refers to additional software or components that can be installed and integrated with a virtual machine (VM) to enhance its functionality or provide additional features. These extensions are designed to extend the capabilities of a VM beyond its base configuration and can include tools, drivers, utilities, or software agents that enable specific functionalities or integrations with the underlying virtualization platform. Virtual Machine Extensions are typically provided by virtualization vendors or third-party developers and are used to customize and optimize the virtual machine environment according to specific requirements or use cases. external-link

Virtual Power Plants

An intelligent networking of decentralized, renewable micro power plants into a system that offers comparable energy capacities to a conventional large-scale power plant. external-link

Virtual Private Network

A network consisting of at least two subnetworks (or subscribers) connected via public lines (e.g., the Internet), where the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data are ensured during data communication. external-link

Virtual Resource

A Virtual Resource denotes unchanging information in various formats, including but not limited to datasets, configuration files, licenses, key pairs, AI models, and neural network weights. external-link


Virtualization enables resources to be made available without being tied to specific computer systems or servers. external-link


An anonymous, unregistered entity such as a natural person or bot that is browsing a Gaia-X Catalogue. external-link

Visual Exploration

The purpose of visual exploration is to provide an overview of the data and enable users to navigate through different segments of the data in an interactive manner. In this situation, users may not have any or only a basic understanding of the data, and their goal is to identify patterns or relationships. Visual exploration can be viewed as an unguided search for pertinent information in the data. To aid users in this search process, visual exploration techniques must have a high level of interactivity. external-link

Vocabulary Hub

A server that offers maintenance capabilities for browsing, editing, and downloading vocabularies and related documents. It also mirrors a collection of external third-party vocabularies, which guarantees their seamless availability and resolution. external-link

Voice over IP

IP-telephony refers to voice communication over IP-based computer networks. external-link


A Kubernetes volume is a directory that stores data, which is accessible to containers within a Pod. The volume has the same lifespan as the Pod that it belongs to, meaning that it will persist even if the containers running in the Pod are restarted or terminated. This makes it possible to preserve data across container restarts. For more information on storage, please refer to the Kubernetes documentation. external-link

Volume Plugin

A Volume Plugin is a feature that allows for seamless integration of storage within a Kubernetes Pod. With a Volume Plugin, storage volumes can be attached and mounted for use by the Pod. Volume plugins can be classified as either in-tree or out-of-tree. In-tree plugins are part of the Kubernetes code repository and are released in accordance with its schedule. On the other hand, out-of-tree plugins are developed independently and can be maintained outside of the Kubernetes codebase. external-link


A real-time software platform for embedded systems, such as M2M systems, is provided by Wind River Systems. external-link